The Life Force Lotus Podcast

14 year Vegan Josie Lieder heals her Ulcerative Colitis with a Carnivore Diet

Rosa Stockton Season 2 Episode 45

Josie @theexplanteater is an ex vegan of 14 years who turned to Carnivore 5 months ago and has completely reversed her ulcerative colitis, hair loss and malnutrition caused by long term veganism.
In this episode  in sit down with Josie and we talk all about what led her to adapt a vegan diet 14 years ago and how it affected her physical and mental health along the way.
Her Ulcerative colitis diagnosis and what led her to a carnivore Diet and completely  putting UC into remission along with all of the other healing benefits she experienced along the way.

I really enjoyed this conversation with Josie and I hope you find inspiration and hope in her healing journey back  to health.

Connect with Josephine Lieder (JOSIE, THE EX-PLANT EATER)
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